Friday, December 28, 2012

What!? Only One More Year!?

That's right! I cannot believe it myself but it has been a year already since my best friend has set off on a great service to the people of Guadalajara, Mexico on a mission. It has been an amazing year hearing of the many experiences he is having and how much he is growing. I had the most wonderful opportunity spending the year mark with his family. They are absolutely amazing! I had time to really get to know his mom and dad and loved playing with his little sisters (: They are quite adorable!

Also for the year mark his mom insisted that we send him a picture of two of his favorite things... Can you guess what they are??

This last year was a great learning experience and growing experience for myself. Despite what many may think, I do not sit around all day just waiting for the next to come. I have been growing so much in the gospel as well and going to school and being a part of activities on campus. I look forward to this new year as an opportunity not a hill to get over. I love you sweetheart and can I tell you it is so good to say I will see you this next year (:

1 comment:

  1. I'm giggling and crying at the same time. So cute and it sure makes me happy. :)
