Sunday, May 6, 2012

Once I was a Sunbeam!

I had a quick flashback this morning from 16 years ago living in Salt Lake City, Utah when I just started primary class. I know I was only 3 but it's one of my earliest memories of sitting there in class with a bunch of other crazy kids and my teacher still had the biggest smile on her face. Well as crazy as it is I met her again 7 years ago in none other than Germany. I was tapped on the shoulder just after stake conference ended by a young lady behind me. I had no clue who she was... She just asked if I was Ashley and introduced herself as my sun beam teacher. Now another 7 years later,  today, I found myself back in primary, back to singing overly high pitched songs and talking in a VERY simple language. I found myself among the sunbeams once again (: I am blessed to be that smiling teacher standing and teachings those wonderful three year olds. Yes, they are crazy, they are loud, they are not very good at sitting still for over a minute but they are the sweetest children who I want to be able to point out in a big crowd and be proud to say I was their teacher. I hope to get to know them and teach them, along with their parents, the basics of the gospel. I love those crazy sunbeams (: I also want to thank my own teacher from so many years ago for that big smile. Thank you for knowing me and remembering me, I was only three but you are still teaching me today. To all those teachers out there and parents with 3 year olds, wow it takes work! But children teach the sweetest things and say the silliest things (:  Well I am ready for fun days ahead and hope one day each of those children will be proud to say that once they were a sunbeam.


  1. That is so sweet! You'll be a big influence on those kids. My girls LOVE their Sunbeam teacher. She is the best!

  2. Glad you remember they are three. Knowing how wonderful you are with kids makes me want to be in your class.

    Joe and I have been in primary since we got married. We started with 6 year olds, then went to 4 year olds, and now we are in nursery. Not sure what that means for us next. :)

    Having the career path of teacher, and recently returned from school, is part of you looking at the children with respects to the courses you have and will take?

    1. Thanks Amy (: and yes from what I have learned in school and will learn and my excitement in being a teacher I am looking at the kids with new eyes knowing what they know and can learn and how they will act to certain things and hope that I can use this to teach them the best I can.

      I didn't know you were in primary that long? Are you in nursery with the boys? That is really neat (:
